Accessing the API

URL structure

Indico allows you to programmatically access the content of its database by exposing various information like category contents, events, rooms and room bookings through a web service, the HTTP Export API.

The basic URL looks like:


or when using legacy API keys:



  • WHAT is the element you want to export (one of categ, event, room, reservation)
  • LOC is the location of the element(s) specified by ID and only used for certain elements, for example, for the room booking (https://indico.server/export/room/CERN/120.json?ak=0…)
  • ID is the ID of the element you want to export (can be a - separated list). As for example, the 120 in the above URL.
  • TYPE is the output format (one of json, jsonp, xmlhtmlicsatom, bin)
  • PARAMS are various parameters affecting (filtering, sorting, …) the result list
  • KEY, TS, SIG are part of the API Key Authentication (Deprecated)

Some examples could be:

  • Export data about events in a category: /export/categ/2.json?from=today&to=today&pretty=yes
  • Export data about a event: /export/event/137346.json?occ=yes&pretty=yes
  • Export data about rooms: /export/room/CERN/120.json?pretty=yes
  • Export your reservations: /export/reservation/CERN.json?detail=reservations&from=today&to=today&bookedfor=USERNAME&pretty=yes

See more details about querying in Exporters.

API Token Authentication

New in version 3.0.

Indico users may create API tokens with a custom name and scope. They can then be used to authenticate requests to the Indico API using the standard Authorization: Bearer <token> HTTP header.

Compared to the legacy API key authentication (see below), they have various advantages:

  • no need to generate signatures and deal with expiring links - nowadays with HTTPS being widespread, the risk of leaking a link (but not the secrets used to generate it) is very low
  • authentication using a HTTP header avoids including sensitive information in the query string
  • each application/script can get its own token, which can have only the scopes assigned that are actually needed
  • they behave exactly like OAuth tokens, except that no OAuth application or OAuth flow is required, which makes them perfect for use in custom scripts

These personal API tokens always have the format indp_<42 random chars> - tokens generated during a regular OAuth flow have the indo_ prefix instead.


Indico administrators have the ability to restrict the creation of API tokens; in that case only admins can create tokens or manage their scopes, but users who have a token can still reset it in order to use the API once authorized by an admin.


API tokens can have one of these scopes:

  • full:everything - Everything (all methods)
  • read:everything - Everything (only GET)
  • read:legacy_api - Classic API (read only)
  • write:legacy_api - Classic API (write only)
  • registrants - Event registrants
  • read:user - User information (read only)

The everything scopes are special because they can be used with any Indico endpoint, i.e. they are not restricted to official APIs. This has the advantage that even Indico actions which do not have a corresponding API can be scripted. Endpoints covered by the legacy_api scopes are not included; these scopes need to be granted explicitly.


We make absolutely no promises of backwards compatibility on endpoints that are not part of documented APIs. You use them at your own risk.

The legacy_api scopes grant access to the API this documentation is about, i.e. /export/ for retrieving data and some /api/ paths for modifying data.

The read:user scope grants access to basic information about the current user via the /api/user/ endpoint:

    "admin": false,
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Guinea",
    "id": 1337,
    "last_name": "Pig"

The registrants scope is mainly used by the mobile check-in app and grants access to (currently) undocumented APIs that allow retrieving the list of registrants in an event and and updating their check-in state.

API Key Authentication (Deprecated)

Deprecated since version 3.0: Use API Token Authentication instead. This authentication method may be removed in a future version.


The HTTP Export API uses an API key and - depending on the config - a cryptographic signature for each request.

To create an API key, go to My Profile » HTTP API and click the Create API key button. This will create an API Key and a Secret Key (if signatures are required).

It is recommended to always use the highest security level. That means if only an API key is available always include it and if a secret key is available, always sign your requests. Since you might want to retrieve only public information (instead of everything visible to your Indico user) you can add the param onlypublic=yes to the query string.

It is also possible to re-use the existing Indico session. This only makes sense if your browser accesses the API, e.g. because you are developing on Indico and want to access the API via an AJAX request. Additionally this method of authentication is restricted to GET requests. To use it, add cookieauth=yes to the query string and do not specify an API key, timestamp or signature. To prevent data leakage via CSRF the CSRF token of the current session needs to be provided as a GET argument csrftoken or a HTTP header X-CSRF-Token.

Request Signing

To sign a request, you need the following:

  • The requested path, e.g. /export/categ/123.json
  • Any additional params, e.g. limit=10
  • The current UNIX timestamp
  • Your API key and secret key
  1. Add your API key to the params (limit=10&ak=your-api-key)
  2. Add the current timestamp to the params (limit=10&ak=your-api-key&timestamp=1234567890)
  3. Sort the query string params (ak=your-api-key&limit=10&timestamp=1234567890)
  4. Merge path and the sorted query string to a single string (/export/categ/123.json?ak=your-api-key&limit=10&timestamp=1234567890)
  5. Create a HMAC-SHA1 signature of this string using your secret key as the key.
  6. Append the hex-encoded signature to your query string: ?ak=your-api-key&limit=10&timestamp=1234567890&signature=your-signature

Note that a signed request might be valid only for a few seconds or minutes, so you need to sign it right before sending it and not store the generated URL as it is likely to expire soon.

You can find example code for Python and PHP in the following sections.

If persistent signatures are enabled, you can also omit the timestamp. In this case the URL is valid forever. When using this feature, please make sure to use these URLs only where necessary - use timestamped URLs whenever possible.

Request Signing for Python

A simple example in Python:

import hashlib
import hmac
import time

    from urllib.parse import urlencode
except ImportError:
    from urllib import urlencode

def build_indico_request(path, params, api_key=None, secret_key=None, only_public=False, persistent=False):
    items = list(params.items()) if hasattr(params, 'items') else list(params)
    if api_key:
        items.append(('apikey', api_key))
    if only_public:
        items.append(('onlypublic', 'yes'))
    if secret_key:
        if not persistent:
            items.append(('timestamp', str(int(time.time()))))
        items = sorted(items, key=lambda x: x[0].lower())
        url = '%s?%s' % (path, urlencode(items))
        signature ='utf-8'), url.encode('utf-8'),
        items.append(('signature', signature))
    if not items:
        return path
    return '%s?%s' % (path, urlencode(items))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    API_KEY = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
    SECRET_KEY = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'
    PATH = '/export/categ/1337.json'
    PARAMS = {
        'limit': 123
    print(build_indico_request(PATH, PARAMS, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY))

Request Signing for PHP

A simple example in PHP:


function build_indico_request($path, $params, $api_key = null, $secret_key = null, $only_public = false, $persistent = false) {
    if($api_key) {
        $params['apikey'] = $api_key;

    if($only_public) {
        $params['onlypublic'] = 'yes';

    if($secret_key) {
        if(!$persistent) {
            $params['timestamp'] = time();
        uksort($params, 'strcasecmp');
        $url = $path . '?' . http_build_query($params);
        $params['signature'] = hash_hmac('sha1', $url, $secret_key);

    if(!$params) {
        return $path;

    return $path . '?' . http_build_query($params);

if(true) { // change to false if you want to include this file
    $API_KEY = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
    $SECRET_KEY = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
    $PATH = '/export/categ/1337.json';
    $PARAMS = array(
        'limit' => 123
    echo build_indico_request($PATH, $PARAMS, $API_KEY, $SECRET_KEY) . "\n";