
It is important to keep your Indico instance up to date to have the latest bug fixes and features. Upgrading can be done with almost no user-facing downtime.


When upgrading a production system it is highly recommended to create a database backup before starting.

First of all, stop the Celery worker. To do so, run this as root:

systemctl stop indico-celery.service

Now switch to the indico user and activate the virtualenv:

su - indico
source ~/.venv/bin/activate

If you are on CentOS, update your PATH to avoid errors in case the new Indico version needs to install an updated version of the PostgreSQL client library (psycopg2):

export PATH="$PATH:/usr/pgsql-9.6/bin"

You are now ready to install the latest version of Indico:

pip install -U indico

If you installed the official plugins, update them too:

pip install -U indico-plugins

Some versions may include database schema upgrades. Make sure to perform them immediately after upgrading. If there are no schema changes, the command will simply do nothing.

indico db upgrade
indico db --all-plugins upgrade


Some database structure changes require an exclusive lock on some tables in the database. Unless you have very high activity on your instance, this lock can be acquired quickly, but if the upgrade command seems to hang for more than a few seconds, you can restart uWSGI by running systemctl restart uwsgi.service as root (in a separate shell, i.e. don’t abort the upgrade command!) which will ensure nothing is accessing Indico for a moment.

Unless you just restarted uWSGI, it is now time to reload it so the new version is actually used:

touch ~/web/indico.wsgi

Also start the Celery worker again (once again, as root):

systemctl start indico-celery.service

Upgrading from 2.x to 2.2


Keep in mind that running Indico from a subdirectory such as https://example.com/indico is no longer supported by the packages we provide on PyPI. Please use a subdomain instead.

When updating to version 2.2 you need to perform some extra steps due to the changes in Indico’s static asset pipeline.

After installing 2.2, run indico setup create-symlinks ~/web (still as the indico user) to create the new symlink.

You can also perform some clean-up:

rm /opt/indico/web/htdocs
rm -rf /opt/indico/assets
sed -i -e '/ASSETS_DIR/d' ~/etc/indico.conf

Now switch back to root and update the webserver config as explained below.


Open /etc/httpd/conf.d/indico.conf (CentOS) or /etc/apache2/sites-available/indico.conf (Debian) with an editor and replace this snippet:

AliasMatch "^/static/assets/(core|(?:plugin|theme)-[^/]+)/(.*)$" "/opt/indico/assets/$1/$2"
AliasMatch "^/(css|images|js|static(?!/plugins|/assets|/themes|/custom))(/.*)$" "/opt/indico/web/htdocs/$1$2"
Alias /robots.txt /opt/indico/web/htdocs/robots.txt

with this one:

AliasMatch "^/(images|fonts)(.*)/(.+?)(__v[0-9a-f]+)?\.([^.]+)$" "/opt/indico/web/static/$1$2/$3.$5"
AliasMatch "^/(css|dist|images|fonts)/(.*)$" "/opt/indico/web/static/$1/$2"
Alias /robots.txt /opt/indico/web/static/robots.txt

Reload apache using systemctl reload apache2.service.


Open /etc/nginx/conf.d/indico.conf with an editor and replace this snippet:

location ~ ^/static/assets/(core|(?:plugin|theme)-[^/]+)/(.*)$ {
  alias /opt/indico/assets/$1/$2;
  access_log off;

location ~ ^/(css|images|js|static(?!/plugins|/assets|/themes|/custom))(/.*)$ {
  alias /opt/indico/web/htdocs/$1$2;
  access_log off;

location /robots.txt {
  alias /opt/indico/web/htdocs/robots.txt;
  access_log off;

with this one:

location ~ ^/(images|fonts)(.*)/(.+?)(__v[0-9a-f]+)?\.([^.]+)$ {
  alias /opt/indico/web/static/$1$2/$3.$5;
  access_log off;

location ~ ^/(css|dist|images|fonts)/(.*)$ {
  alias /opt/indico/web/static/$1/$2;
  access_log off;

location /robots.txt {
  alias /opt/indico/web/static/robots.txt;
  access_log off;

Reload nginx using systemctl reload nginx.service.

If you are using customizations using the CUSTOMIZATION_DIR setting, see its updated documentation as you will have to update those customizations.

Upgrading from 2.2 to 2.3

Logging config

We changed the way the user id is logged in indico.log (it’s now logged in a more structured way and included in every log message instead of just the one indicating the start of a request).

If you have not modified the logging config the easiest option is deleting /opt/indico/etc/logging.yaml and running indico setup create-logging-config /opt/indico/etc/ to recreate it.

If you do have custom changes or don’t remember whether you do, you can apply the change from the diff below manually.

-    format: '%(asctime)s  %(levelname)-7s  %(request_id)s  %(name)-25s %(message)s'
+    format: '%(asctime)s  %(levelname)-7s  %(request_id)s  %(user_id)-6s  %(name)-25s %(message)s'
     format: '%(asctime)s  %(levelname)-7s  %(name)-25s %(message)s'
     append_request_info: true
-    format: "%(asctime)s  %(request_id)s  %(name)s - %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d -- %(message)s\n\n"
+    format: "%(asctime)s  %(request_id)s  %(user_id)-6s  %(name)s - %(levelname)s %(filename)s:%(lineno)d -- %(message)s\n\n"


If you are using OAuth-based SSO you need to update indico.conf as the oauth auth provider type has been replaced by the more modern and flexible authlib one. Please see the Flask-Multipass documentation on how to configure it. You can also ask in our forum if you need any help with updating your SSO config.

Upgrading from 1.9.11 to 2.0

Make sure that you have the latest 1.9.11 version installed and that you used indico db upgrade to have the most recent database structure.

First of all, if you had installed any plugins manually, you need to uninstall them first as we changed some of the Python distribution names so if you do not uninstall them, you will get errors about duplicate plugins.

pip freeze | grep -Po 'indico(?!-fonts).+(?===)' | pip uninstall -y


If you used pip install -e to install the plugins, the command above will not work and you need to manually uninstall them. All the plugin packages have names like indico_chat or indico_payment_manual. If you are unsure about what to uninstall here, please contact us.

To upgrade to 2.0, follow the upgrade instructions above, but skip the DB upgrade commands. After successfully running the upgrade, use indico db reset_alembic to clear pre-2.0 database migration information, since all the old migration steps from the 1.9.x version line have been removed in 2.0.

The names of all settings changed in 2.0; instead of using CamelCased names they now use UPPER_SNAKE_CASE. The old names still work, but we recommend updating the config file anyway. You can find a list of all the new option names in the code. Most renames are pretty straightforward; only the following options have been changed in more than just capitalization:

Old New
SanitizationLevel removed

The format of the logging config changed. The old file /opt/indico/etc/logging.conf is not used anymore and can be deleted. Run indico setup create-logging-config /opt/indico/etc/ to create the new logging.yaml which can then be customized if needed.