
Before starting Indico compilation, this guide assumes you’ve previously setup the development base up until the configuring step.


We do not recommend doing these steps on the same system where you are running your production version, as you run into the risk of mixing the latter with development resources.


The master branch on Git is usually the next version under (heavy) development. Check if there is a 3.*.x branch for your version and if yes, use that branch instead of master.

The first step is to generate a local distribution archive. Navigate to the Indico source folder (by default, it is ~/dev/indico/src) and run the following command:

./bin/maintenance/ indico --add-version-suffix


The build script refuses to run on a dirty git working directory, so any changes you decide to include must be committed temporarily. You can use git checkout --detach to avoid committing to your local master branch; if you plan to actually use the translation the better option would be of course to create a real Git branch.


Make sure you’re also not running any other build tool such as, as it may interfere with the creation of a production build when running in --watch mode.

Finally, the dist folder will contain the wheel distribution, the file you should to copy to your production machine:


To deploy this distribution, you should follow the production installation guide, but instead of installing Indico from PyPI (pip install indico), install your custom-built wheel from the previous step:

pip install /tmp/indico-2.3.1.dev0+202009231923.a14a24f564-py2-none-any.whl

If you already have Indico installed, then simply installing the version from the wheel and restarting uwsgi and indico-celery is all you need to do.

Including a new translation

If you are including a new translation, you should also include the moment-js locale in indico/web/client/js/jquery/index.js before building:

// moment.js locales
import 'moment/locale/your-locale';

import 'moment/locale/zh-cn';
import 'moment/locale/es';
import 'moment/locale/fr';
import 'moment/locale/en-gb';


Put your custom locale first, since en-gb needs to be the last one as a fallback.