

Docstrings (module, models, operations, utilities, settings)


class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.abstracts.Abstract(**kwargs)

An abstract that can be associated to a Contribution.

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

AUTHORS_SPEAKERS_DISPLAY_ORDER_ATTR = 'display_order_key_lastname'
call_for_proposals_attr = 'cfa'

Attribute to retrieve the object with access to the reviewing settings

can_change_tracks(user, check_state=False)
can_comment(user, check_state=False)
can_judge(user, check_state=False)
can_review(user, check_state=False)
can_withdraw(user, check_state=False)
property candidate_contrib_types
property candidate_tracks
create_comment_endpoint = 'abstracts.comment_abstract'
create_judgment_endpoint = 'abstracts.judge_abstract'
create_review_endpoint = 'abstracts.review_abstract'
property data_by_field
default_render_mode = 2
delete_comment_endpoint = 'abstracts.delete_abstract_comment'
edit_comment_endpoint = 'abstracts.edit_abstract_comment'
edit_review_endpoint = 'abstracts.edit_review'
property edit_track_mode

Data stored in abstract/contribution fields

get_reviewed_for_groups(user, include_reviewed=False)
property is_in_final_state

User who judged the abstract


ID of the user who judged the abstract


Define a smart locator property.

This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.

This decorator should usually be applied to a method named locator as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.

If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:

def locator(self):
    return {...}

def locator(self):
    return {...}

The other locator can then be accessed by passing obj.locator.other to the code expecting an object with a locator.

log(*args, **kwargs)

Log with prefilled metadata for the abstract.

marshmallow_aliases = {'_description': 'content'}
property modification_ended

Persons associated with this abstract

possible_render_modes = {RenderMode.markdown}
proposal_type = 'abstract'

A unique identifier to handle rendering differences between proposal types

property public_state
query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.

render_mode = 2
property reviewing_state
revisions_enabled = False

Whether there is support for multiple revisions per proposal or just one

property score

User who submitted the abstract


ID of the user who submitted the abstract

property track_question_scores
property verbose_title
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.abstracts.AbstractPublicState(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
accepted = 3
awaiting = -1
duplicate = 6
invited = 7
merged = 5
rejected = 4
under_review = -2
withdrawn = 2
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.abstracts.AbstractReviewingState(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
conflicting = 3
in_progress = 1
mixed = 5
negative = 4
not_started = 0
positive = 2
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.abstracts.AbstractState(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
accepted = 3
duplicate = 6
invited = 7
merged = 5
rejected = 4
submitted = 1
withdrawn = 2
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.abstracts.EditTrackMode(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
both = 1
none = 0
reviewed_for = 2
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.call_for_abstracts.CallForAbstracts(event)

Proxy class to facilitate access to the call for abstracts settings.

property announcement
property has_ended
property has_started
property is_open
property is_scheduled
property modification_ended
property rating_range
schedule(start_dt, end_dt, modification_end_dt)
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.comments.AbstractComment(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.


Define a smart locator property.

This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.

This decorator should usually be applied to a method named locator as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.

If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:

def locator(self):
    return {...}

def locator(self):
    return {...}

The other locator can then be accessed by passing obj.locator.other to the code expecting an object with a locator.

marshmallow_aliases = {'_text': 'text'}
render_mode = 2
user_backref_name = 'abstract_comments'
user_modified_backref_name = 'modified_abstract_comments'
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.email_logs.AbstractEmailLogEntry(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

classmethod create_from_email(email_data, email_tpl, user=None)

Create a new log entry from the data used to send an email.

  • email_data – email data as returned from make_email

  • email_tpl – the abstract email template that created the email

  • user – the user who performed the action causing the notification

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.email_templates.AbstractEmailTemplate(**kwargs)

An email template for abstracts notifications.

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.


The body of the template


List of extra email addresses to be added as CC in the email


Whether to include authors’ email addresses as To for emails


Whether to include co-authors’ email addresses as CC for emails


Whether to include the submitter’s email address as To for emails


Define a smart locator property.

This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.

This decorator should usually be applied to a method named locator as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.

If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:

def locator(self):
    return {...}

def locator(self):
    return {...}

The other locator can then be accessed by passing obj.locator.other to the code expecting an object with a locator.


The relative position of the template in the list of templates

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.


The address to use as Reply-To in the email


Conditions need to be met to send the email


Whether to stop checking the rest of the conditions when a match is found


The subject of the email

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.fields.AbstractFieldValue(**kwargs)

Store a field values related to abstracts.

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

contribution_field_backref_name = 'abstract_values'

The name of the backref on the ContributionField

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.files.AbstractFile(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

add_file_date_column = False

Whether to track the creation time. This is required when using versioning!


The MIME type of the file.

created_dt = None

The extension of the file.


The name of the file.

property locator

An MD5 hash of the file.

Automatically assigned when save() is called.

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.


The size of the file (in bytes).

Automatically assigned when save() is called.


Association between EventPerson and Abstract.


Define a smart locator property.

This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.

This decorator should usually be applied to a method named locator as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.

If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:

def locator(self):
    return {...}

def locator(self):
    return {...}

The other locator can then be accessed by passing obj.locator.other to the code expecting an object with a locator.

object_relationship_name = 'abstract'

The name of the relationship pointing to the object the person is linked to


The name of the backref on the EventPerson

The columns which should be included in the unique constraint.

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.review_questions.AbstractReviewQuestion(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

event_backref_name = 'abstract_review_questions'

name of backref from event to questions

property field

Define a smart locator property.

This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.

This decorator should usually be applied to a method named locator as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.

If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:

def locator(self):
    return {...}

def locator(self):
    return {...}

The other locator can then be accessed by passing obj.locator.other to the code expecting an object with a locator.

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.review_ratings.AbstractReviewRating(**kwargs)

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

query: IndicoBaseQuery

A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to db.session.query(Model). Can be customized per-model by overriding query_class.


The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using session.execute(select()) instead.


alias of AbstractReviewQuestion


alias of AbstractReview

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.reviews.AbstractAction(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
accept = 1
change_tracks = 3
mark_as_duplicate = 4
merge = 5
reject = 2
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.reviews.AbstractCommentVisibility(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Most to least restrictive visibility for abstract comments.

contributors = 4
conveners = 2
judges = 1
reviewers = 3
users = 5
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.models.reviews.AbstractReview(**kwargs)

An abstract review, emitted by a reviewer.

A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.

Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in kwargs.

Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.

can_edit(user, check_state=False)
default_render_mode = 2
group_attr = 'track'

Object used to group reviews together


Define a smart locator property.

This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.

This decorator should usually be applied to a method named locator as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.

If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:

def locator(self):
    return {...}

def locator(self):
    return {...}

The other locator can then be accessed by passing obj.locator.other to the code expecting an object with a locator.

marshmallow_aliases = {'_comment': 'comment'}
possible_render_modes = {RenderMode.markdown}
render_mode = 2
revision_attr = 'abstract'

The revision object that the review refers to

property score
property scores
property visibility


indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.add_abstract_files(abstract, files, log_action=True)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.create_abstract(event, abstract_data, custom_fields_data=None, send_notifications=False, submitter=None, is_invited=False)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.create_abstract_comment(abstract, comment_data)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.create_abstract_review(abstract, track, user, review_data, questions_data)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.delete_abstract(abstract, delete_contrib=False)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.delete_abstract_files(abstract, files)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.judge_abstract(abstract, abstract_data, judgment, judge, contrib_session=None, merge_persons=False, send_notifications=False)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.schedule_cfa(event, start_dt, end_dt, modification_end_dt)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.update_abstract(abstract, abstract_data, custom_fields_data=None)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.update_abstract_comment(comment, comment_data)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.update_abstract_review(review, review_data, questions_data)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.operations.update_reviewed_for_tracks(abstract, tracks)


indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.build_default_email_template(event, tpl_type)

Build a default e-mail template based on a notification type provided by the user.


Delete the cached book of abstract.


Create the book of abstracts if necessary.


The path to the PDF file


Create the book of abstracts as a LaTeX archive.


A BytesIO containing the zip file.


Create a mock abstract that can be used in previews.

Brace for geek references.

indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.filter_field_values(fields, can_manage, owns_abstract)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.generate_spreadsheet_from_abstracts(abstracts, static_item_ids, dynamic_items)

Generate a spreadsheet data from a given abstract list.

  • abstracts – The list of abstracts to include in the file

  • static_item_ids – The abstract properties to be used as columns

  • dynamic_items – Contribution fields as extra columns

indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.get_events_with_abstract_persons(user, dt=None)

Return a dict of event ids and the abstract submission related roles the user has in that event.

  • user – A User

  • dt – Only include events taking place on/after that date

indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.get_events_with_abstract_reviewer_convener(user, dt=None)

Return a dict of event ids and the abstract reviewing related roles the user has in that event.

  • user – A User

  • dt – Only include events taking place on/after that date

indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.get_track_reviewer_abstract_counts(event, user)

Get the numbers of abstracts per track for a specific user.

Note that this does not take into account if the user is a reviewer for a track; it just checks whether the user has reviewed an abstract in a track or not.


A dict mapping tracks to dicts containing the counts.

indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.get_user_abstracts(event, user)

Get the list of abstracts where the user is a reviewer/convener.

indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.get_user_tracks(event, user)

Get the list of tracks where the user is a reviewer/convener.

indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.get_visible_reviewed_for_tracks(abstract, user)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.has_user_tracks(event, user)
indico.modules.events.abstracts.util.make_abstract_form(event, user, notification_option=False, management=False, invited=False)

Extend the abstract WTForm to add the extra fields.

Each extra field will use a field named custom_ID.

  • event – The Event for which to create the abstract form.

  • user – The user who is going to use the form.

  • notification_option – Whether to add a field to the form to disable triggering notifications for the abstract submission.

  • management – Whether the form is used in the management area

  • invited – Whether the form is used to create an invited abstract


An AbstractForm subclass.


class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.AbstractIDPlaceholder
description = l'The ID of the abstract'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'abstract_id'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.AbstractInvitationURLPlaceholder
description = l'The link to submit an invited abstract'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'invitation_url'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.AbstractSessionPlaceholder
description = l'The name of the destination session'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'abstract_session'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.AbstractTitlePlaceholder
description = l'The title of the abstract'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'abstract_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.AbstractTrackPlaceholder
description = l'The name of the destination track'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'abstract_track'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.AbstractURLPlaceholder
advanced = True

Whether the placeholder should not be shown by default

description = l'The direct URL of the abstract'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'abstract_url'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.CoAuthorsPlaceholder
description = l'The names of the co-authors (separated by commas)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'co_authors'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.ContributionTypePlaceholder
description = l'The contribution type that is associated to the abstract'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'contribution_type'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.ContributionURLPlaceholder
advanced = True

Whether the placeholder should not be shown by default

description = l'Contribution URL'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'contribution_url'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.EventTitlePlaceholder
description = l'The title of the event'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'event_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.EventURLPlaceholder
description = l'The URL of the event'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'event_url'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.JudgmentCommentPlaceholder
description = l'Comments written by event organizer (upon final decision)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'judgment_comment'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.PrimaryAuthorsPlaceholder
description = l'The names of the primary authors (separated by commas)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'primary_authors'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.SubmitterFirstNamePlaceholder
advanced = True

Whether the placeholder should not be shown by default

description = l'The first name of the submitter'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'submitter_first_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.SubmitterLastNamePlaceholder
advanced = True

Whether the placeholder should not be shown by default

description = l'The last name of the submitter'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'submitter_last_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.SubmitterNamePlaceholder
description = l'The full name of the submitter, no title'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'submitter_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.SubmitterTitlePlaceholder
description = l'The title of the submitter (Dr, Prof., etc...)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'submitter_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.TargetAbstractIDPlaceholder
description = l'The ID of the target abstract (merge or duplicate)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'target_abstract_id'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.TargetAbstractTitlePlaceholder
description = l'The title of the target abstract (merge or duplicate)'

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'target_abstract_title'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.TargetSubmitterFirstNamePlaceholder
advanced = True

Whether the placeholder should not be shown by default

description = l"The first name of the target abstract's submitter (merge or duplicate)"

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'target_submitter_first_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.TargetSubmitterLastNamePlaceholder
advanced = True

Whether the placeholder should not be shown by default

description = l"The last name of the target abstract's submitter (merge or duplicate)"

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'target_submitter_last_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context

class indico.modules.events.abstracts.placeholders.TargetSubmitterNamePlaceholder
advanced = True

Whether the placeholder should not be shown by default

description = l"The full name of the target abstract's submitter, no title (merge or duplicate)"

A short description of the placeholder.

name = 'target_submitter_name'

The name of the placeholder. Must be unique within the context where the placeholder is used

classmethod render(abstract)

Convert the placeholder to a string.

When a placeholder contains HTML that should not be escaped, the returned value should be returned as a markupsafe.Markup instance instead of a plain string.

Subclasses are encouraged to explicitly specify the arguments they expect instead of using **kwargs.


kwargs – arguments specific to the placeholder’s context


class indico.modules.events.abstracts.settings.AllowEditingType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
submitter = 'submitter'
submitter_all = 'submitter_all'
submitter_authors = 'submitter_authors'
submitter_primary = 'submitter_primary'
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.settings.BOACorrespondingAuthorType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
none = 'none'
speakers = 'speakers'
submitter = 'submitter'
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.settings.BOALinkFormat(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

LaTeX book of abstracts link format setting.

value is a 2-tuple of strings: first is the hyperref option to use second sets additional tex commands

frame = ('', '')
unstyled = ('[hidelinks]', '')
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.settings.BOASortField(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
abstract_title = 'title'
board_number = 'board_number'
id = 'id'
schedule = 'schedule'
schedule_board_number = 'schedule_board_number'
session_board_number = 'session_board_number'
session_schedule_board = 'session_schedule_board'
session_title = 'session_title'
speaker = 'speaker'
class indico.modules.events.abstracts.settings.SubmissionRightsType(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
all = 'all'
speakers = 'speakers'
speakers_primary = 'speakers_primary'