Room booking
Docstrings (module, models, utilities, services)
- class indico.modules.rb.models.rooms.Room(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- access_key = None
- acl_entries
- attributes
- available_equipment
- blocked_rooms
- bookable_hours
- booking_limit_days
- building
- can_access(user, allow_admin=True)
Check if the user can access the object.
- Parameters:
user – The
to check. May be None if the user is not logged in.allow_admin – If admin users should always have access
- can_book(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_delete(user)
- can_edit(user)
- can_manage(user, permission=None, allow_admin=True, check_parent=True, explicit_permission=False)
Check if the user can manage the object.
- Parameters:
user – The
to check. May be None if the user is not logged in.allow_admin – If admin users should always have access
check_parent – If the parent object should be checked. In this case the permission is ignored; only full management access is inherited to children.
explicit_permission – If the specified permission should be checked explicitly instead of short-circuiting the check for Indico admins or managers. When this option is set to
, the values of allow_admin and check_parent are ignored. This also applies if permission is None in which case this argument being set toTrue
is equivalent to allow_admin and check_parent being set toFalse
- Param:
permission: The management permission that is needed for the check to succeed. If not specified, full management privs are required. May be set to the string
to check if the user has any management privileges. If the user has full_access privileges, he’s assumed to have all possible permissions.
- can_moderate(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_override(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_prebook(user, allow_admin=True)
- capacity
- check_advance_days(end_date, user=None, quiet=False, allow_admin=True)
- comments
- default_protection_mode = 0
The default protection mode a new object has
- property details_url
- disallowed_protection_modes = frozenset({ProtectionMode.inheriting})
The protection modes that are not allowed. Can be overridden in the model that is using the mixin. Affects the table structure, so any changes to it should go along with a migration step! By default, the public mode is disallowed since it does not make much sense in most cases to make something public even though its parent object is private (or inheriting).
- division
- end_notification_daily
- end_notification_monthly
- end_notification_weekly
- end_notifications_enabled
- favorite_of
- static filter_available(start_dt, end_dt, repetition, include_blockings=True, include_pre_bookings=True, include_pending_blockings=False)
Return a SQLAlchemy filter criterion ensuring that the room is available during the given time.
- static filter_bookable_hours(start_time, end_time)
- static filter_nonbookable_periods(start_dt, end_dt)
- classmethod find_with_attribute(attribute)
Search rooms which have a specific attribute.
- floor
- full_name
- generate_name()
- get_attribute_by_name(attribute_name)
- get_attribute_value(name, default=None)
- get_blocked_rooms(*dates, **kwargs)
- classmethod get_permissions_for_user(user, allow_admin=True)
Get the permissions for all rooms for a user.
In case of multipass-based groups it will try to get a list of all groups the user is in, and if that’s not possible check the permissions one by one for each room (which may result in many group membership lookups).
It is recommended to not call this in any place where performance matters and to memoize the result.
- static get_with_data(only_active=True, filters=None)
- has_attribute(attribute_name)
- has_equipment(*names)
- property has_photo
- id
- is_auto_confirm
- is_deleted
- is_reservable
- static is_user_admin(user)
- key_location
- latitude
- location
- location_id
- property location_name
- longitude
- property map_url
- max_advance_days
- name
- nonbookable_periods
- notification_before_days
- notification_before_days_monthly
- notification_before_days_weekly
- notification_emails
- notifications_enabled
- number
- own_no_access_contact = None
- owner
The owner of the room. This is purely informational and does not grant any permissions on the room.
- owner_id
- photo
- photo_id
- protection_mode
- property protection_parent
The parent object to consult for ProtectionMode.inheriting.
- reservations
- reservations_need_confirmation
- set_attribute_value(name, value)
- site
- speakers_can_access = None
- property sprite_position
- surface_area
- telephone
- verbose_name
Verbose name for the room (long)
- class indico.modules.rb.models.room_attributes.RoomAttribute(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- id
- name
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- title
- class indico.modules.rb.models.room_attributes.RoomAttributeAssociation(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- attribute
- attribute_id
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- room_id
- value
- class indico.modules.rb.models.room_bookable_hours.BookableHours(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- end_time
- id
- property key
- overlaps(st, et)
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- room_id
- start_time
- weekday
- class indico.modules.rb.models.room_nonbookable_periods.NonBookablePeriod(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- end_dt
- overlaps(st, et)
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- room_id
- start_dt
- class indico.modules.rb.models.blockings.Blocking(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- allowed
A descriptor that presents a read/write view of an object attribute.
- blocked_rooms
- can_delete(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_edit(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_override(user, room=None, explicit_only=False, allow_admin=True)
Check if a user can override the blocking.
The following persons are authorized to override a blocking: - the creator of the blocking - anyone on the blocking’s ACL - unless explicit_only is set: rb admins and room managers (if a room is given)
- created_by_id
- created_by_user
The user who created this blocking.
- created_dt
- end_date
- property external_details_url
- id
- is_active_at(d)
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- reason
- start_date
- class indico.modules.rb.models.blocked_rooms.BlockedRoom(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- State
alias of
- approve(notify_blocker=True)
Approve the room blocking, rejecting all colliding reservations/occurrences.
- blocking_id
- id
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- reject(user=None, reason=None)
Reject the room blocking.
- rejected_by
- rejection_reason
- room_id
- state
- property state_name
- class indico.modules.rb.models.blocked_rooms.BlockedRoomState(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- accepted = 1
- pending = 0
- rejected = 2
- class indico.modules.rb.models.blocking_principals.BlockingPrincipal(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- blocking_id
- category_role = None
- category_role_id = None
- email = None
- event_role = None
- event_role_id = None
- id
- ip_network_group = None
- ip_network_group_id = None
- local_group_id
- multipass_group_name
- multipass_group_provider
- principal_backref_name = 'in_blocking_acls'
The name of the backref added to User and LocalGroup. For consistency, it is recommended to name the backref
with foo describing the ACL where this mixin is used.
- registration_form = None
- registration_form_id = None
- type
- unique_columns = ('blocking_id',)
The columns which should be included in the unique constraints. If set to
, no unique constraints will be added.
- user_id
- class**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- features
- id
- name
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- class indico.modules.rb.models.locations.Location(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- id
- is_deleted
- map_url_template
- name
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- room_name_format
Translate Postgres’ format syntax (e.g. %1$s/%2$s-%3$s) to Python’s.
- rooms
- class indico.modules.rb.models.map_areas.MapArea(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- bottom_right_latitude
- bottom_right_longitude
- id
- is_default
- name
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- top_left_latitude
- top_left_longitude
- class**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- data
- id
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- exception indico.modules.rb.models.reservations.ConflictingOccurrences
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservations.RepeatFrequency(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- DAY = 1
- MONTH = 3
- NEVER = 0
- WEEK = 2
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservations.RepeatMapping
- classmethod get_message(repeat_frequency, repeat_interval, recurrence_weekdays)
- classmethod get_short_name(repeat_frequency, repeat_interval, recurrence_weekdays)
- mapping = {(RepeatFrequency.NEVER, 0): ('Single reservation', None, 'none'), (RepeatFrequency.DAY, 1): ('Repeat daily', 0, 'daily'), (RepeatFrequency.WEEK, 1): ('Repeat once a week', 1, 'weekly'), (RepeatFrequency.WEEK, 2): ('Repeat once every two weeks', 2, 'everyTwoWeeks'), (RepeatFrequency.WEEK, 3): ('Repeat once every three weeks', 3, 'everyThreeWeeks'), (RepeatFrequency.MONTH, 1): ('Repeat every month', 4, 'monthly')}
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservations.Reservation(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- accept(user, reason=None)
- add_edit_log(edit_log)
- booked_for_id
- booked_for_name
- booked_for_user
The user this booking was made for. Assigning a user here also updates booked_for_name.
- booking_reason
- can_accept(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_cancel(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_delete(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_edit(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_reject(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_see_details(user, *, allow_admin=True)
- cancel(user, reason=None, silent=False)
- property contact_email
- classmethod create_from_data(room, data, user, *, prebook=None, ignore_admin=False, force_internal_note=False)
Create a new reservation.
- Parameters:
room – The Room that’s being booked.
data – A dict containing the booking data, usually from a
instanceuser – The
who creates the booking.prebook – Instead of determining the booking type from the user’s permissions, always use the given mode.
ignore_admin – Whether to ignore the user’s admin status.
force_internal_note – Always set internal note regardless of config/permissions
- create_occurrences(skip_conflicts, user=None, allow_admin=True)
- created_by_id
- created_by_user
The user who created this booking.
- created_dt
- edit_logs
- end_dt
- end_notification_sent
- property external_details_url
- find_excluded_days()
- find_overlapping()
- static find_overlapping_with(room, occurrences, skip_reservation_id=None)
- get_conflicting_occurrences()
- static get_with_data(*args, **kwargs)
- id
- internal_note
- is_accepted
- is_archived
- is_booked_for(user)
- is_cancelled
- is_owned_by(user)
- is_pending
- is_rejected
- is_repeating
- property links
- property location_name
- modify(data, user, extra_fields: dict | None)
Modify an existing reservation.
- Parameters:
data – A dict containing the booking data, usually from a
instanceuser – The
who modifies the booking.extra_fields – A dict containing the extra fields data from the schema
- occurrences
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- recurrence_weekdays
- reject(user, reason, silent=False)
- rejection_reason
- repeat_frequency
- repeat_interval
- property repetition
- reset_approval(user)
- room_id
- start_dt
- state
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservations.ReservationState(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- accepted = 2
- cancelled = 3
- pending = 1
- rejected = 4
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservation_edit_logs.ReservationEditLog(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- id
- info
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- reservation_id
- timestamp
- user_name
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservation_occurrences.ReservationOccurrence(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- NO_RESERVATION_USER_STRATEGY = <sqlalchemy.orm.strategy_options._UnboundLoad object>
A relationship loading strategy that will avoid loading the users linked to a reservation. You want to use this in pretty much all cases where you eager-load the reservation relationship.
- can_cancel(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_link(user, allow_admin=True)
- can_reject(user, allow_admin=True)
- cancel(user, reason=None, silent=False)
- classmethod create_series(start, end, repetition)
- classmethod create_series_for_reservation(reservation)
- date
- end_dt
- property external_cancellation_url
- static filter_overlap(occurrences)
- classmethod find_overlapping_with(room, occurrences, skip_reservation_id=None)
- get_overlap(occurrence, skip_self=False)
- is_cancelled
- is_rejected
- is_valid
- is_within_cancel_grace_period
- classmethod iter_create_occurrences(start, end, repetition)
- static iter_start_time(start, end, repetition)
- link
- link_id
- property linked_object
- static map_recurrence_weekdays_to_rrule(weekdays)
Map weekdays from database to rrule weekdays.
- notification_sent
- overlaps(occurrence, skip_self=False)
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- reject(user, reason, silent=False)
- rejection_reason
- reservation_id
- start_dt
- state
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservation_occurrences.ReservationOccurrenceLink(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- allowed_link_types = {LinkType.event, LinkType.contribution, LinkType.session_block}
The link types that are supported. Can be overridden in the model using the mixin. Affects the table structure, so any changes to it should go along with a migration step!
- category = None
- category_id = None
- contribution
- contribution_id
- event
- event_id
- events_backref_name = 'all_room_reservation_occurrence_links'
The name of the backref that’s added to the Event model to access all linked objects
- id
- link_backref_name = 'room_reservation_occurrence_links'
The name of the backref that’s added to the linked objects
- link_type
- linked_event
- linked_event_id
- session = None
- session_block
- session_block_id
- session_id = None
- subcontribution = None
- subcontribution_id = None
- class indico.modules.rb.models.reservation_occurrences.ReservationOccurrenceState(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- cancelled = 3
- rejected = 4
- valid = 2
- indico.modules.rb.models.util.proxy_to_reservation_if_last_valid_occurrence(f)
Forward a method call to self.reservation if there is only one occurrence.
- indico.modules.rb.util.TempReservationConcurrentOccurrence
alias of
- indico.modules.rb.util.TempReservationOccurrence
alias of
- indico.modules.rb.util.build_rooms_spritesheet()
- indico.modules.rb.util.check_empty_candidates(candidates)
Check for empty candidates.
This checks that a created time-series has at least one occurrence to filter by (similar to
but without the need to pass all the data).
- indico.modules.rb.util.check_impossible_repetition(data)
Check for broken repetition data.
This checks that a repetition using weekdays has a date range containing at least one of the specified weekdays.
- indico.modules.rb.util.check_repeat_frequency(old_frequency, new_frequency)
Prevent changing the repeat frequency of an existing booking.
- indico.modules.rb.util.format_weekdays(weekdays)
Format a list of weekdays into a nice readable string.
- indico.modules.rb.util.generate_spreadsheet_from_occurrences(occurrences)
Generate spreadsheet data from a given booking occurrence list.
- Parameters:
occurrences – The booking occurrences to include in the spreadsheet
- indico.modules.rb.util.get_booking_params_for_event(event)
Get a set of RB interface parameters suitable for this event.
These parameters can then be used to construct a URL that will lead to a pre-filled search that matches the start/end times for a given day.
- Parameters:
event – Event object
- indico.modules.rb.util.get_linked_object(type_, id_)
- indico.modules.rb.util.get_prebooking_collisions(reservation)
- indico.modules.rb.util.get_resized_room_photo(room)
- indico.modules.rb.util.group_by_occurrence_date(occurrences, sort_by=None)
- indico.modules.rb.util.is_booking_start_within_grace_period(start_dt, user, allow_admin=False)
- indico.modules.rb.util.rb_check_if_visible(user)
Check if user should see links to the room booking system.
- indico.modules.rb.util.rb_check_user_access(user)
Check if the user has access to the room booking system.
- indico.modules.rb.util.rb_is_admin(user)
Check if the user is a room booking admin.
- indico.modules.rb.util.remove_room_spritesheet_photo(room)
- indico.modules.rb.util.serialize_availability(availability)
- indico.modules.rb.util.serialize_blockings(data)
- indico.modules.rb.util.serialize_booking_details(booking)
- indico.modules.rb.util.serialize_concurrent_pre_bookings(data)
- indico.modules.rb.util.serialize_nonbookable_periods(data)
- indico.modules.rb.util.serialize_occurrences(data, *, schema=None)
- indico.modules.rb.util.serialize_unbookable_hours(data)
- indico.modules.rb.statistics.calculate_rooms_bookable_time(rooms, start_date=None, end_date=None)
- indico.modules.rb.statistics.calculate_rooms_booked_time(rooms, start_date=None, end_date=None)
- indico.modules.rb.statistics.calculate_rooms_occupancy(rooms, start=None, end=None)