Docstrings (module, model, operations, utilities)
- class indico.modules.categories.models.categories.Category(**kwargs)
An Indico category.
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
The name of the AttachmentFolder column pointing to to the object’s ID
- access_key = None
- acl_entries
- allow_no_access_contact = True
Whether the object can have contact information shown in case of no access
- allow_relationship_preloading = True
Whether relationship preloading is allowed. If disabled, the on-load event that populates relationship from the preload cache is not registered.
- apple_wallet_mode
- apple_wallet_settings
- can_create_events(user)
Check whether the user can create events in the category.
- can_propose_events(user)
Check whether the user can propose move requests to the category.
- property chain_query
Get a query object for the category chain.
The query retrieves the root category first and then all the intermediate categories up to (and including) this category.
- children
- property deep_children_query
Get a query object for all subcategories.
This includes subcategories at any level of nesting.
- default_badge_template
- default_badge_template_id
- default_event_themes
- default_render_mode = 2
- default_ticket_template
- default_ticket_template_id
- disallowed_protection_modes = frozenset({})
The protection modes that are not allowed. Can be overridden in the model that is using the mixin. Affects the table structure, so any changes to it should go along with a migration step! By default, the public mode is disallowed since it does not make much sense in most cases to make something public even though its parent object is private (or inheriting).
- property display_tzinfo
The tzinfo of the category or the one specified by the user.
- property effective_icon_url
Get the HTTP URL of the icon (possibly inherited).
- event_creation_mode
- event_creation_notification_emails
- event_message
- event_message_mode
- property external_url
- classmethod get_apple_wallet_config_cte()
- classmethod get_google_wallet_config_cte()
Get all hidden events within the given category and user.
- classmethod get_icon_data_cte()
- classmethod get_protection_cte()
- get_protection_parent_cte()
- classmethod get_root()
Get the root category.
- classmethod get_subtree_ids_cte(ids)
Create a CTE for a category subtree.
This CTE contains a single
column that contains all the specified IDs and those of all their subcategories.This is likely to be much more performant than get_tree_cte when the query is used with LIMIT, especially in large databases.
- classmethod get_tree_cte(col='id')
Create a CTE for the category tree.
The CTE contains the following columns:
– the category idpath
– an array containing the path from the root tothe category itself
– whether the category is deleted
- Parameters:
col – The name of the column to use in the path or a callable receiving the category alias that must return the expression used for the ‘path’ retrieved by the CTE.
- static get_visible_categories_cte(category_id)
Get a sqlalchemy select for the visible categories within the given category, including the category itself.
- google_wallet_mode
- google_wallet_settings
- property has_effective_icon
- property has_icon
- property has_logo
- icon
- icon_metadata
- property icon_url
Get the HTTP URL of the icon.
- id
- inheriting_have_acl = True
Whether objects with inheriting protection may have their own ACL entries (which will grant access even if the user cannot access the parent object).
- is_deleted
- is_descendant_of(categ)
- property is_empty
- is_flat_view_enabled
- is_root
- locator
Define a smart locator property.
This behaves pretty much like a normal read-only property and the decorated function should return a dict containing the necessary data to build a URL for the object.
This decorator should usually be applied to a method named
as this name is required for get_locator to find it automatically when just passing the object.If you need more than one locator, you can define it like this:
@locator_property def locator(self): return {...} @locator.other def locator(self): return {...}
locator can then be accessed by passingobj.locator.other
to the code expecting an object with a locator.
- log(realm, kind, module, summary, user=None, type_='simple', data=None, meta=None)
Create a new log entry for the category.
- Parameters:
realm – A value from
indicating the realm of the action.kind – A value from
indicating the kind of the action that was performed.module – A human-friendly string describing the module related to the action.
summary – A one-line summary describing the logged action.
user – The user who performed the action.
type – The type of the log entry. This is used for custom rendering of the log message/data
data – JSON-serializable data specific to the log type.
meta – JSON-serializable data that won’t be displayed.
- Returns:
The newly created CategoryLogEntry
In most cases the
log type is fine. For this type, any items from data will be shown in the detailed view of the log entry. You may either use a dict (which will be sorted) alphabetically or a list ofkey, value
pairs which will be displayed in the given order.
- logo
- logo_metadata
- property logo_url
Get the HTTP URL of the logo.
- notify_managers
- nth_parent(n_categs, fail_on_overflow=True)
Return the nth parent of the category.
- Parameters:
n_categs – the number of categories to go up
fail_on_overflow – whether to fail if we try to go above the root category
- Returns:
Category object or None (only if
is not set)
- own_no_access_contact
- property own_visibility_horizon
Get the highest category this one would like to be visible from (configured visibility).
- property parent_chain_query
Get a query object for the category’s parent chain.
The query retrieves the root category first and then all the intermediate categories up to (excluding) this category.
- parent_id
- position
- possible_render_modes = {RenderMode.markdown}
- protection_mode
- property protection_parent
The parent object to consult for ProtectionMode.inheriting.
- property real_visibility_horizon
Get the highest category this one is actually visible from (as limited by categories above).
- render_mode = 2
- show_future_months
- speakers_can_access = None
- suggestions_disabled
- timezone
- title
- property tzinfo
- property url
- visibility
- property visibility_horizon_query
Get a query object that returns the highest category this one is visible from.
- property visible_categories_query
Get a query object for the visible categories within this category, including the category itself.
- class indico.modules.categories.models.categories.EventCreationMode(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- moderated = 2
- open = 3
- restricted = 1
- class indico.modules.categories.models.categories.EventMessageMode(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- danger = 3
- disabled = 0
- info = 1
- warning = 2
- class indico.modules.categories.models.categories.InheritableConfigMode(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)
- disabled = 0
- enabled = 1
- classmethod get_form_field_titles(parent_configured)
- inheriting = 2
- class indico.modules.categories.models.principals.CategoryPrincipal(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- allow_category_roles = True
Whether it should be allowed to add a category role
- allow_networks = True
Whether it should be allowed to add an IP network.
- category_id
The ID of the associated event
- category_role
- category_role_id
- email = None
- event_role = None
- event_role_id = None
- full_access
- id
The ID of the acl entry
- ip_network_group
- ip_network_group_id
- local_group_id
- multipass_group_name
- multipass_group_provider
- permissions
- principal_backref_name = 'in_category_acls'
The name of the backref added to User and LocalGroup. For consistency, it is recommended to name the backref
with foo describing the ACL where this mixin is used.
- principal_for = 'Category'
The model for which we are a principal. May also be a string containing the model’s class name.
- read_access
- registration_form = None
- registration_form_id = None
- type
- unique_columns = ('category_id',)
The columns which should be included in the unique constraints. If set to
, no unique constraints will be added.
- user_id
- class indico.modules.categories.models.settings.CategorySetting(**kwargs)
A simple constructor that allows initialization from kwargs.
Sets attributes on the constructed instance using the names and values in
.Only keys that are present as attributes of the instance’s class are allowed. These could be, for example, any mapped columns or relationships.
- category
- category_id
- id
- module
- name
- query: IndicoBaseQuery
A SQLAlchemy query for a model. Equivalent to
. Can be customized per-model by overridingquery_class
The query interface is considered legacy in SQLAlchemy. Prefer using
- value
- indico.modules.categories.operations.create_category(parent, data)
- indico.modules.categories.operations.move_category(category, target_category)
- indico.modules.categories.operations.update_category(category, data, *, skip=(), _extra_log_fields=None)
- indico.modules.categories.operations.update_category_protection(category, data, *, _extra_log_fields=None)
- indico.modules.categories.operations.update_event_move_request(request, accept, reason='')
- indico.modules.categories.util.can_create_unlisted_events(user)
- indico.modules.categories.util.format_visibility(category_or_event, visibility)
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_attachment_count(category_id=None)
Get the number of attachments in events in a category.
- Parameters:
category_id – The category ID to get statistics for. Attachments from subcategories are also included.
- Returns:
The number of attachments
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_category_stats(category_id=None)
Get category statistics.
This function is mainly a helper so we can get and cache all values at once and keep a last-update timestamp.
- Parameters:
category_id – The category ID to get statistics for. Subcategories are also included.
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_contribs_by_year(category_id=None)
Get the number of contributions for each year.
- Parameters:
category_id – The category ID to get statistics for. Contributions from subcategories are also included.
- Returns:
A dictionary mapping years to contribution counts.
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_events_by_year(category_id=None)
Get the number of events for each year.
- Parameters:
category_id – The category ID to get statistics for. Events from subcategories are also included.
- Returns:
A dictionary mapping years to event counts.
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_image_data(image_type, category)
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_min_year(category_id=None)
Get the min year.
- Parameters:
category_id – The category ID to get statistics for.
- Returns:
The year.
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_upcoming_events()
Get the global list of upcoming events.
- indico.modules.categories.util.get_visibility_options(category_or_event, allow_invisible=True)
Return the visibility options available for the category or event.
- indico.modules.categories.util.serialize_category_role(role, legacy=True)
Serialize role to JSON-like object.
- indico.modules.categories.serialize.serialize_categories_ical(category_ids, user, event_filter=True, event_filter_fn=None, update_query=None)
Export the events in a category to iCal.
- Parameters:
category_ids – Category IDs to export
user – The user who needs to be able to access the events
event_filter – A SQLalchemy criterion to restrict which events will be returned. Usually something involving the start/end date of the event.
event_filter_fn – A callable that determines which events to include (after querying)
update_query – A callable that can update the query used to retrieve the events. Must return the updated query object.
- indico.modules.categories.serialize.serialize_category(category, with_favorite=False, with_path=False, parent_path=None, child_path=None)
- indico.modules.categories.serialize.serialize_category_atom(category, url, user, event_filter)
Export the events in a category to Atom.
- Parameters:
category – The category to export
url – The URL of the feed
user – The user who needs to be able to access the events
event_filter – A SQLalchemy criterion to restrict which events will be returned. Usually something involving the start/end date of the event.
- indico.modules.categories.serialize.serialize_category_chain(category, include_children=False, include_parents=False)
- class indico.modules.categories.settings.CategorySettingsProxy(module, defaults=None, strict=True, acls=None, converters=None)
Proxy class to access category-specific settings for a certain module.
- delete(category, *names)
Delete settings.
- Parameters:
category – Category (or its ID)
names – One or more names of settings to delete
- delete_all(category)
Delete all settings.
- Parameters:
category – Category (or its ID)
- get(category, name, default=<object object>)
Retrieve the value of a single setting.
- Parameters:
category – Category (or its ID)
name – Setting name
default – Default value in case the setting does not exist
- Returns:
The settings’s value or the default value
- get_all(category, no_defaults=False)
Retrieve all settings.
- Parameters:
category – Category (or its ID)
no_defaults – Only return existing settings and ignore defaults.
- Returns:
Dict containing the settings
- property query
Return a query object filtering by the proxy’s module.
- set(category, name, value)
Set a single setting.
- Parameters:
category – Category (or its ID)
name – Setting name
value – Setting value; must be JSON-serializable
- set_multi(category, items)
Set multiple settings at once.
- Parameters:
category – Category (or its ID)
items – Dict containing the new settings